In Progress
- Kim, J., S. De and M.A. Srinivasan. "Physically-Based Real Time
Surgical Simulation". Accepted for publication in the U.S. National
Congress on Computational Mechanics, Albuquerque, NM.
- Kim, J., S. De, Y.-L. Lim and M.A. Srinivasan. "Physically-Based
Real Time Simulation of Soft Tissues in Multimodal Virtual Environments".
To appear in a special issue of Computers & Graphics (in press).
- Lin, N. Direct Control of Robots Using Brain Neural Signals, S. M.
Thesis, MIT, Cambridge (expected 2005).
- Wu, W.-C. "Investigation of Skin Mechanics using Optical Coherence
Tomography", Ph.D. Diss, MIT, Cambridge (expected 2005).
- Kim J., Kim H., Tay B., Muniyandi M. and Srinivasan M.A. (2004). "Transatlantic
Touch: A Study of Haptic Collaboration over Long Distance." Presence,
Vol 13, No. 3., pp. 328-337, June (2.4
- Basdogan C., S. De, J. Kim, M. Muniyandi, H. Kim and M.A. Srinivasan
(2004). "Haptics in Minimally Invasive Surgical Simulation
and Training." IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (IEEE CG&A),
March/April (504 KB).
- Buell, L. (2003). "Measurement of Spatial Pressure Distribution
on the Human Skin during Tactile Sensing of Cylindrical Objects",
S.M. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
MIT (2.72
- Dandekar, K., B.I. Raju and M.A. Srinivasan (2003). "3-D Finite-Element
Models of Human and Monkey Fingertips to Investigate the Mechanics of
Tactile Sense." Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 125,
pp. 682-691, ASME Press. (905 KB)
- Kim, J., S. De and M.A. Srinivasan (2003). "A Hybrid Modeling
Scheme for Tissue Simulation in Virtual Reality Based Medical Trainers."
Accepted for publication in the Second MIT Conference on Computational
Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Cambridge, MA. (378
- Kim, J. (2003). "Virtual Environments for Medical Training: Graphical
and Haptic Simulation of Tool-tissue Interactions." Ph.D. diss.
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, MIT, Cambridge.
- Kim, H., D.W. Rattner and M.A. Srinivasan (2003). "The Role of
Simulation Fidelity in Laparoscopic Surgical Training." 6th International
Medical Image Computing & Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)
Conference, Montreal, Canada, pp. 1-8, Springer-Verlag. (2.17
- Kim, J., S. De and M.A. Srinivasan (2003). "Physically-Based
Hybrid Approach in Real Time Surgical Simulation with Force Feedback."
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference 11, J.D. Westwood et al. (Eds.),
pp. 158-164, IOS Press. (1.15 MB)
- Kim, J., S. De and M.A. Srinivasan (2003). "An Integral Equation
Based Multiresolution Modeling Scheme for Multimodal Medical Simulations."
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Haptic Interfaces
for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, Los Angeles, CA, pp.
221-228, IEEE Computer Society. (1.77 MB)
- Kim, J., B.K. Tay, N. Stylopoulos, D.W. Rattner and M.A. Srinivasan
(2003). "Characterization of Intra-abdominal Tissues from In Vivo
Animal Experiments for Surgical Simulation." 6th International
Medical Image Computing & Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)
Convention, Montreal, Canada, pp. 206-213, Springer-Verlag. (1.74
- Manivannan, M., S. Cotin, M.A. Srinivasan and Dawson S. (2003). "Real-Time
PC based X-ray Simulation for Interventioanl Radiology Training."
Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtaul Reality 11, J.D. Westwood et al.
(Eds.), pp. 233-239, IOS Press. (1.68 MB)
- Raju, B.I. (2003). "High Frequency Ultrasonic Characterization
of Human Skin In Vivo." Ph.D. diss. Dept. of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science. MIT. Cambridge.
- Raju, B.I., K. Swindells, S. Gonzalez and M.A. Srinivasan (2003).
"Quantitative Ultrasonic Methods for Characterization of Skin Lesions
In Vivo." Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, vol. 29, no. 6, pp.
825-838. (304 KB)
- Wan, S., B.I. Raju and M.A. Srinivasan (2003). "Robust Deconvolution
of High-Frequency Ultrasound Images Using Higher Order Spectral Analysis
and Wavelets." IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics,
and Frequency Control, vol. 50, pp. 1286-1295. (2,693
- Wang, S. and M.A. Srinivasan (2003)."The Role of Torque in Haptic
Perception of Object Location in Virtual Environments." Proceedings
of the 11th International Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual
Environment and Teleoperator Systems, Los Angeles, CA, pp. 302-309,
IEEE Computer Society. (2,374 KB)
- Basdogan, C. and M. A. Srinivasan (2002). "Haptic Rendering in
Virtual Environments." Handbook of Virtual Environments. K. Stanney.
London, Lawrence Earlbaum, Inc.: Chapter 6, pp. 117-134. (1,028
- Biggs, J. and M. A. Srinivasan (2002). "Haptic Interfaces. Handbook
of Virtual Environments." K. Stanney. London, Lawrence Earlbaum,
Inc.: Chapter 5, pp. 93-116. (1,136 KB)
- Biggs, J. and M. A. Srinivasan (2002). "Tangential Versus Normal
Displacements of Skin: Relative Effectiveness for Producing Tactile
Sensations." 10th International Symposium on Haptic Interfaces
for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, Orlando, FL,pp. 121-128,
IEEE Computer Society. (2.25 MB)
- De, S., J. Kim, M. Manivannan, M. A. Srinivasan and D. Rattner (2002).
"Multimodal Simulation of Laparoscopic Heller Myotomy Using a Meshless
Technique." Medicine Meets Virtual Reality: 10, pp. 127-132. Newport
Beach, IOS Press. (408 KB)
- Jordan, J., J. Mortensen, M. Oliveira, M. Slater, B.K. Tay, J. Kim,
and M.A. Srinivasan (2002). "Collaboration in a Mediated Haptic
Environment." Presence 2002: The 5th Annual International Workshop
on Presence, University Fernando Pessoa. (19
- Kim, H. (2002). "Role of Fidelity of Multimodal Simulation in
Virtual Reality Based Surgical Training," S.M. Thesis, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, MIT.
- Kim, J., S. De and M. A. Srinivasan (2002). "Computationally
Efficient Techniques for Real Time Surgical Simulation with Force Feedback."
10th International Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment
and Teleoperator Systems, Orlando, FL, pp. 51-57, IEEE Computer Society.
(1.79 MB)
- Prakash, C. E., J. Kim, M. Manivannan and M. A. Srinivasan (2002).
"A New Approach for the Synthesis of Glistening Effect in Deformable
Anatomical Objects Displayed with Haptic Feedback." Medicine Meets
Virtual Reality: 10, pp. 369-375. Newport Beach, IOS Press. (382
- Raju, B.I. and M.A. Srinivasan (2002). "Statistics of Envelope
of High-Frequency Ultrasonic Backscatter from Human Skin In Vivo,"
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control,
vol. 49, no. 7, pp. 871-882. IEEE Computer Society. (3.44
- Swindells, K., N. Burnett, F. Rius-Diaz, B.I. Raju, M.A. Srinivasan,
E. Gonzalez and S. Gonzalez (2002). "Reflectance Confocal Microscopy
May Differentiate Acute Allergic and Irritant Contact Dermatitis In
Vivo." Presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society for
Investigative Dermatology, Los Angeles, CA.
- Tay, B., N. Stylopoulos, S. De, D. W. Rattner and M. A. Srinivasan
(2002). "Measurement of In-vivo Force Response of Intra-abdominal
Soft Tissues for Surgical Simulation." Medicine Meets Virtual Reality:
10, Newport Beach, CA, pp. 514-519, IOS Press. (263
- Basdogan, C., C.-H. Ho and M. A. Srinivasan (2001). "Virtual
environments in medical training: Graphical and haptic simulation of
laparoscopic common bile duct exploration". IEEE/ASME Transactions
on Mechatronics. (6):269-285 (1,586 KB)
- Dang, T., T. M. Annaswamy and M. A. Srinivasan (2001). "Development
and Evaluation of an Epidural Injection Simulator with Force Feedback
for Medical Training". J.D. Westwood et al. Medicine Meets Virtual
Reality 2001, pp. 97-102. IOS Press. ( 494 KB)
- De, S. (2001). "On the Development of an Efficient Truly Meshless
Discretization Procedure in Computation Mechanics". Ph.D. diss.
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. MIT. Cambridge.
- De, S. and K. J. Bathe (2001). "The method of finite spheres:
a summary of recent developments". First MIT Conference on Computational
Fluid and Solid Mechanics, pp. 1546-1549. Elsevier Science. (402
- De, S., J. Kim and M. A. Srinivasan (2001). "A Meshless Numerical
Technique for Physically Based Real Time Medical Simulations".
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001, pp. 113-118. IOS Press. (272
- De, S., J. Kim and M. A. Srinivasan (2001). "Virtual surgery
simulation using a collocation-based method of finite spheres".
First MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, pp.
140-141. Elsevier Science. (119 KB)
- Diller, T. T. (2001). Frequencey Response of Human Skin in Vivo to
Mechanical Stimulation. S.M. Thesis. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering.
MIT. Cambridge.
- Raju, B. and M. A. Srinivasan (2001). "Tactile coding of static shapes:
Relevant stimulus for slowly adapting type I mechanoreceptive afferents
in primates." submitted to the Journal of Neurophysiology.
- Raju, B. and M. A. Srinivasan (2001). "High frequency ultrasonic attenuation
and backscatter coefficients of in vivo normal human dermis and subcutaneous
fat." Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (27):1543-1556.
- Srinivasan, M. A. and B. Raju (2001). "Contact mechanics in tactile
coding of static shapes investigated using three dimensional finite
element models of the primate fingertip." submitted to the Journal of
- Wang, S. (2001). "Role of Torque in Haptic Perception of Virtual
Objects". SA.M. thesis. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. MIT. Cambridge
- Basdogan, C., C.-H. Ho, M. A. Srinivasan and M. Slater (2000). "An
experimental study on the role of touch in shared virtual environments."
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interactions 7(4): 443-460. (430
- Burdea, G.C. and M.A. Srinivasan, eds. (2000). "Haptics in Virtual
Environments Workshop. IEEE Virtual Reality 2000".
- Cividanes, A. (2000). "Visual - Haptic Illusions in the Perception
of Stiffness in Virtual Environments". S.B. Thesis. Dept. of Mechanical
Engineering. MIT. Cambridge.
- De, S. and K. J. Bathe (2000). ""The method of finite spheres"." Computational
Mechanics 25(4): 329-345. (774 KB)
- Gidwani, A. (2000). "Dynamic Video Microscopy to Characterize
the Deformation of Ridged Skin". Dept. of Biomedical Engineering.
Boston University. Boston.
- Ho, C.-H. (2000). "Computer Haptics: Rendering Techniques for
Force Feedback in Virtual Environments". Ph.D. diss. Dept. of Mechanical
Engineering. MIT. Cambridge.
- Ho, C.-H., C. Basdogan and M. A. Srinivasan (2000). "Ray-based haptic
rendering: force and torque interactions between a line probe and 3D
objects in virtual environments." International Journal of Robotics
Research 19(7): 668-683. (1,676 KB)
- Phan, T.-T. T. (2000)."Surface treatments to increase the percieved
vibration of a piezoelectric foil". S.B. Thesis. Dept. of Mechanical
Engingeering. MIT. Cambridge. (106 KB)
- Raju, B. and M. A. Srinivasan (2000). "In vivo characterization
of human fingertip and forearm skin using attenuation of high frequency
ultrasound". 2000 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings. (373
- Raju, B. and M. A. Srinivasan (2000). "Statistical characterization
of high frequency ultrasonic scattering from human skin in vivo." Journal
of the Acoustical Society of America 108(5): 2548-2548.
- Sachtler, W. L., M. R. Pendexter, J. Biggs and M. A. Srinivasan (2000).
"Haptically perceived orientation of a planar surface is altered
by tangential forces". Proceedings of Phantom User's Group 2000,
Vale, Colorado. (206 KB)
- Wessberg, J., C. R. Stambaugh, J. D. Kralik, P. D. Beck, M. Laubach,
J. K. Chapin, J. Kim, S. J. Biggs, M. A. Srinivasan and M. A. L. Nicolelis
(2000). "Real-time prediction of hand trajectory by ensembles of cortical
neurons in primates". Nature 408(6810): 361-365. (883
- Basdogan, C., C.-H. Ho and M. A. Srinivasan (1999). "Simulation
of tissue cutting and bleeding for laparoscopic surgery using auxiliary
surfaces". Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference 7, San Francisco.
(420 KB)
- Birch, A. S. and M.A. Srinivasan (1999). "Experimental Determination
of the Viscoelastic Properties of the Human Fingerpad". Touch Lab
Report 14. RLE TR-632. MIT. Cambridge. (3,610
- Cysyk, J. (1999). "Dynamics in the Tactile Sensing of Shape".
Dept. of Electrical Engineering. MIT. Cambridge.
- De, S. and M. A. Srinivasan (1999). "Thin walled models for haptic
and graphical rendering of soft tissues in surgical simulations".
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference 7, San Francisco. (249
- Ho, C.-H., C. Basdogan and M. A. Srinivasan (1999). "Efficient point-based
rendering techniques for haptic display of virtual objects." Presence
8(5): 477-491. (1,075 KB)
- Karason, S., M. A. Srinivasan and A. M. Annaswamy (1999). "Encoding
and decoding of static information in tactile sensing systems." Intl.
J. Robotics Research 18(2): 131-151. (1,561 KB)
- Liao, J. C. and M. A. Srinivasan (1999). "Experimental Investigation
of Frictional Properties of the Human Fingerpad". Touch Lab Report
11. RLE TR-629. MIT. Cambridge. (5,743 KB)
- Raju, B. I. and M. A. Srinivasan (1999)."Ultrasound Backscatter
Microscope for In Vivo Imaging of Human Fingertip". Touch Lab Report
13. RLE TR-631. MIT. Cambridge. (3,002 KB)
- Raju, B. I. and M. A. Srinivasan (1999). "Encoding and Decoding
of Shape in Tactile Sensing". Touch Lab Report 12. RLE TR-630.
MIT. Cambridge. (4,606 KB)
- Salisbury, J.K. and M.A. Srinivasan, eds. (1999). "Fourth PHANToM
Users Group Workshop. AI Technical Report no. 1675". RLE Technical
Report no. 633. MIT.
- Srinivasan, M. A., C. Basdogan and C.-H. Ho (1999). "Haptic Interactions
in the Real and Virtual Worlds. Design, Specification and Verification
of Interactive Systems '99. D. Duke and A. Puerta, Springer-Verlag Wien.
(943 KB)
- Srinivasan, M. A., C. Basdogan and C.-H. Ho (1999). "Haptic Interactions
in Virtual Worlds: Progress and Prospects". International Conference
on Smart Materials, Structures, and Systems, Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, India. (653 KB)
- Wu, W.-C. (1999). "Visual - Haptic Interactions in Multimodal
Virtual Environments". Mechanical Engineering. MIT. Cambridge.
- Wu, W.-C., C. Basdogan and M. A. Srinivasan (1999). "Visual,
Haptic, and Bimodal Perception of Size and Stiffness In Virtual Environments".
ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, (DSC-Vol.67):19-26. (584
- Annaswamy, A. M. and M. A. Srinivasan (1998). The role of compliant
fingerpads in grasping and manipulation: Identification and control.
Essays on Mathematical Robotics. J. Baillieul, S. Sastry and H. J. Sussmann.
The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications. New York, Springer-Verlag.
104. (1,245 KB)
- Basdogan, C., C.-H. Ho, M. A. Srinivasan, S. D. Small and S. L. Dawson
(1998). Force interactions in laparoscopic simulations: haptic rendering
of soft tissues. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference 6, San Diego.
(417 KB)
- Basdogan, C., C.-H. Ho, M. Slater and M. A. Srinivasan (1998). The
role of haptic communication in shared virtual environments. Third PHANToM
User's Group Workshop.
- Birch, A. (1998). Experimental Determination of the Viscoelastic Properties
of the Human Fingerpad. Mechanical Engineering. MIT. Cambridge.
- Chen, J.-S. and M. A. Srinivasan (1998). Human Haptic Interaction
with Soft Objects: Discriminability, Force Control, and Contact Visualization.
Touch Lab Report 7. RLE TR-619. MIT. Cambridge. (7,416
- De, S. and M. A. Srinivasan (1998). Rapid rendering of "tool-tissue"
interactions in surgical simulations: thin walled membrane models. Third
PHANToM User's Group Workshop.
- Ho, C.-H., C. Basdogan, M. Slater, M. Durlach and M. A. Srinivasan
(1998). The Influence of Haptic Communication on the Sense of Being
Together. Workshop on Presence in Shared Virtual Environments, BT Labs,
Ipswich, UK. (586 KB)
- Hou, I. A. and M. A. Srinivasan (1998). Multimodal Virtual Environments:
MAGIC Toolkit and Visual-Haptic Interaction Paradigms. Touch Lab Report
8. RLE TR-620. MIT. Cambridge. (3,682 KB)
- Karason, S. P., A. M. Annaswamy and M. A. Srinivasan (1998). Identification
and Control of Haptic Systems: A Computational Theory. Touch Lab Report
9. RLE TR-621. MIT. Cambridge. (5,743 KB)
- Khalsa, P. S., R. M. Friedman, M. A. Srinivasan and R. H. LaMotte
(1998). "Encoding of shape and orientation of objects indented into
the monkey fingerpad by populations of slowly and rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors."
J. Neurophysiology 79: 3238-3251. (1,380 KB)
- LaMotte, R. H., M. A. Srinivasan, C. Lu, P. S. Khalsa and R. M. Friedman
(1998). "Raised object on a planar surface stroked across the fingerpad:
Responses of cutaneous mechanoreceptors to shape and orientation." J.
Neurophysiology 80: 2446-2466.(2,002 KB)
- Raju, B. I. (1998). Ultrasound Backscatter Microscope for In Vivo
Imaging of the Human Fingertip. Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science. MIT. Cambridge.
- Raju, B. I. (1998). Encoding and Decoding of Shape in Tactile Sensing.
Mechanical Engineering. MIT. Cambridge.
- Salilbury, J.K. and M.A. Srinivasan, eds. (1998). Third PHANToM Users'
Group Workshop. AI Technical Report no. 1643. RLE Technical Report no.
624. MIT.
- Voss, K. J. and M. A. Srinivasan (1998). Investigation of the Internal
Geometry and Mechanics of the Human Fingertip, in vivo, using Magnetic
Resonance Imaging. Touch Lab Report 10. RLE TR-622. MIT. Cambridge.
(6,178 KB)
- Annaswamy, A. M. and M. A. Srinivasan (1997). The Role of Compliant
Fingerpads in Grasping and Manipulation: Identification and Control.
Touch Lab Report 1. RLE TR-603. MIT. Cambridge. (1,390
- Basdogan, C., C.-H. Ho and M. A. Srinivasan (1997). A ray-based haptic
rendering technique for displaying shape and texture of 3D objects in
virtual environments. ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, DSC-Vol.61):
77-84. (562 KB)
- Beauregard, G. L. and M. A. Srinivasan (1997). Sensorimotor Interactions
in the Haptic Perception of Virtual Objects. Touch Lab Report 5. RLE
TR-607. MIT. Cambridge. (7,529 KB)
- Dandekar, K. and M. A. Srinivasan (1997). Role of Mechanics in Tactile
Sensing of Shape. Touch Lab Report 2. RLE TR-604. MIT. Cambridge. (10,770
- DiFranco, D. E., G. L. Beauregard and M. A. Srinivasan (1997). The
effect of auditory cues on the haptic perception of stiffness in virtual
environments. ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, (DSC-Vol.61):
17-22. (370 KB)
- Gulati, R. J. and M. A. Srinivasan (1997). Determination of Mechanical
Properties of the Human Fingerpad, In Vivo, Using a Tactile Stimulator.
Touch Lab Report 3. RLE TR-605. MIT. Cambridge. (7,420
- Ho, C.-H., C. Basdogan and M. A. Srinivasan (1997). Haptic rendering:
Point- and ray-based interactions. Proceedings of the Second PHANToM
User's Group Workshop.
- Ho, C. and M. A. Srinivasan (1997). Human Haptic Discrimination of
Thickness. Touch Lab Report 6. RLE TR-608. MIT. Cambridge. (2,940
- Karason, S. P. (1997). Identification and Control of Haptic Systems:
A Computational Theory. Mechanical Engineering (co-supervisor). MIT.
- Liao, J.-C. (1997). Experimental Investigation of Frictional Properties
of the Human Fingerpad. Mechanical Engineering. MIT. Cambridge.
- Salisbury, J. K. and M. A. Srinivasan (1997). "Phantom-Based haptic
interaction with virtual objects." IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
17(5). (489 KB)
- Salisbury, J.K. and M.A. Srinivasan, eds. (1997). Proceedings of the
Second PHANToM Users Group Workshop. AI Technical Report no. 1617. RLE
Technical Report no. 618. MIT.
- Salisbury, J. K. and M. A. Srinivasan (1997). Development of Haptic
Interfaces. Technical Report prepared for NAWC/TSD.
- Srinivasan, M. A. and C. Basdogan (1997). "Haptics in virtual environments:
taxonomy, research status, and challenges." Computers and Graphics 21(4).
(1,011 KB)
- Voss, K. J. (1997). Investigation of the Internal Geometry and Mechanics
of the Human Fingertip, in vivo, using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Mechanical
Engineering. MIT. Cambridge.
- Beauregard, G. L. (1996). Sensorimotor Interactions in the Hapic Perception
of Virtual Objects. Biomedical Engineering. Boston University. Boston.
- Beauregard, G. L. and M. A. Srinivasan (1996). Sensorimotor interactions
in the haptic perception of virtual objects. Engineering Foundation
Conference on Biomechanics and Neural Control of Movement, Mt. Sterling,
- Chen, J. S. (1996). Human Haptic Interaction with Soft Objects: Discriminability,
Force Control, and Contact Visualization. Mechanical Engineering. MIT.
- Durlach, N. I., J. K. Salisbury, M. A. Srinivasan, et. al. (1996).
Virtual Environment Technology for Training. Technical Report prepared
- Friedman, R. F., P. S. Khalsa, P. Kenins, C. Lu, A. J. Fuglevand,
M. A. Srinivasan and R. H. LaMotte (1996). "Shape encoding by spatial
population of mechanoreceptors in monkey fingerpad." Soc. Meurosci.
Abstr. 22: 1807.
- Ho, C.-H. (1996). Human Haptic Discrimination of Thickness. Mechanical
Engineering. MIT. Cambridge.
- Hou, A. (1996). Multimodal Virtual Environments: MAGIC Toolkit and
Visual-Haptic Interaction Paradigms. I-C Dept of Mechanical Engineering.
MIT. Cambridge.
- LaMotte, R. H. and M. A. Srinivasan (1996). "Neural coding of shape:
responses of cutaneous mechanoreceptors to wavy surfaces stroked across
the monkey fingerpad." J. Neurophysiology 76(6). (1,051
- LaMotte, R. H., C. Lu and M. A. Srinivasan (1996). Tactile neural
codes for shapes and orientations of objects. Somesthesis and the Neurobiology
of the Somatosensory Cortex. O. Franzen, R. Johansson and L. Terenius.
Basel, Birkhauser Verlag AB. (499 KB)
- Morgenbesser, H. B. and M. A. Srinivasan (1996). Force shading for
haptic shape perception. ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division,
(DSC-Vol.58): 407-412. (450 KB)
- Morgenbesser, H. B. and M. A. Srinivasan (1996). Force Shading for
Shape Perception in Haptic Virtual Environments. Touch Lab Report 4.
RLE TR-606. MIT. Cambridge. (2,444 KB)
- Srinivasan, M. A. (1996). Haptics research at the MIT Touch Lab. Salisbury,
J.K. and M.A. Srinivasan. First PHANToM User's Group Workshop, AI Technical
Report no. 1596, RLE Technical Report no. 612. MIT.
- Srinivasan, M. A. and K. Dandekar (1996). "An investigation of the
mechanics of tactile sense using two dimensional models of the primate
fingertip." Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 118: 48-55. (816
- Srinivasan, M. A., G. L. Beauregard and D. L. Brock (1996). The impact
of visual information on haptic perception of stiffness in virtual environments.
ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, (DSC-Vol.58): 555-559. (393
- Srinivasan, M. A. and R. H. LaMotte (1996). Tactual Discrimination
of Softness: Abilities and Mechanisms. Somesthesis and the Neurobiology
of the Somatosensory Cortex. O. Franzen, R. Johansson and L. Terenius.
Basel, Birkhauser Verlag AB. (684 KB)
- Beauregard, G. L., M. A. Srinivasan and N. I. Durlach (1995). Manual
resolution of viscosity and mass. ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division,
(DSC-Vol.57-2): 657-662. (491 KB)
- Dandekar, K. and M. A. Srinivasan (1995). "Predicting the response
of a population of mechanoreceptors using 3D finite element models of
primate finger tips." Soc. Neuroscience Abstr. 21: 1163.
- Dandekar, K. (1995). Role of Mechanics in Tactile Sensing of Shape.
Mechanical Engineering. MIT. Cambridge.
- Dandekar, K. and M. A. Srinivasan (1995). A 3-dimensional finite element
model of the monkey fingertip for predicting responses of slowly adapting
mechanoreceptors. Hochmuth, R.M., N.A. Langrana and M.S. Hefzy. Proceedings
of the 1995 Bioengineering Conference. (BED-Vol. 29): 257-258. (175
- Gulati, R. J. and M. A. Srinivasan (1995). Human fingerpad under indentation
I: static and dynamic force response. Hochmuth, R.M., N.A. Langrana
and M.S. Hefzy. 1995 Bioengineering Conference. (BED-Vol. 29): 261-262.
(134 KB)
- Gulati, R. J. (1995). Determination of Mechanical Properties of the
Human Fingerpad, in vivo, using a Tactile Stimulator. Dept. of Biomedical
Engineering. Boston University. Boston.
- Karason, S. P. and M. A. Srinivasan (1995). Human grasp control of
an instrumented active object. ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division,
(DSC-Vol.57-2):641-647. (500 KB)
- LaMotte, R. H., C. Lu and M. A. Srinivasan (1995). "Peripheral neural
representation of the shapes and orientations of three-dimensional objects
stroked across the monkey fingerpad." Soc. Neuroscience Abstr. 21: 1162.
- Morgenbesser, H. B. (1995). Force Shading for Shape Perception in
Haptic Virtual Environments. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
MIT. Cambridge.
- Roby, F. L. and M. A. Srinivasan (1995). Study of Fingertip Deformations
Under Indentations by Circular Indentors. Report to the MIT Summer Research
Program. MIT. Cambridge.
- Salisbury, J. K. and M. A. Srinivasan (1995). Development of a tool-handle
interface. Technical Report prepared for NAWC/TSD.
- Srinivasan, M. A. and R. H. LaMotte (1995). "Tactual Discrimination
of Softness." J. Neurophysiology 73(1): 88-101. (1,495
- Srinivasan, M. A. (1995). Haptic Interfaces, In Virtual Reality: Scientific
and Technical Challenges. Report of the Committee on Virtual Reality
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A. S. Mavor, National Academy Press. (1,791 KB)
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